

all( fn, array ) > Boolean

test all item in array with conditionnal function

const x = item => item > 42
const y = [43, 45, 46]
const z = [43, 45, 41]
all(x, y) //return true
all(x, z) //return false


any( fn, array ) > Boolean

test if one item valid conditionnal function

const x = item => item > 42
const y = [43, 45, 46]
const z = [43, 45, 41]
any(x, y)) //return true
any(x, z)) //return true


empty( array ) > Boolean

test if array is empty

const x = []
const y = [1, 2, 3]
empty(x) //return true
empty(y) //return false


excludeDuplicate( array ) > Array

return a new array without duplicate item

const x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
const y = [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
const z = [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]
const a = [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }
const b = [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'kevin', attack: 3 },
  { name: 'jedi', attack: 6 }

excludeDuplicate(x, y, z) //return [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]
excludeDuplicate(a, b)
/* return [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 },
  { name: 'kevin',  attack: 3 },
  { name: 'jedi',  attack: 6}
  ] */


filter( fn, array) > Array

Currying filter array alias

const x = item => item > 42
const y = [ 43, 45, 46 ]
const z = [ 43, 45, 41 ]
const myfilter = filter(x)
filter(x, y) //return [ 43, 45, 46 ]
filter(x, z) //return [ 43, 45 ]
myfilter(z) //return [ 43, 45 ]


flatFilter( fn, array ) > Array

merge array and filter

const x = item => item > 45
const y = [ 43, 45, 46 ]
const z = [ 48, 45, 47 ]
flatFilter(x, [ y, z ]) //return [ 46, 48, 47 ]


flatMap( fn, array ) > Array

merge array and transform

const x = item => item + 1
const y = [ 44, 45, 46 ]
const z = [ 47, 48, 49 ]
flatMap(x, [ y, z ]) //return [ 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 ]


getDuplicate( ...array ) > Array

get all duplicate items in arrays

const x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
const y = [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
const z = [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]
getDuplicate(x, y, z) //return [ 4, 5, 7, 8 ]
getDuplicate(x, z) //return []


getFirst( ...array ) > Any | Array

Get first item in array. If you pass an array list getFirst return an array with all first item

const y = [ 44, 45, 46 ]
const z = [ 'Gandalf', 'Sauron', 'Bilbo' ]
getFirst(y) //return 44
getFirst(y, z) //return [ 44, 'Gandalf' ]


getLast( ...array ) > Any | Array

Get first item in array. If you pass an array list getLast return an array with all last item

const y = [ 44, 45, 46 ]
const z = [ 'Gandalf', 'Sauron', 'Bilbo' ]
getLast(y) //return 46
getLast(y, z) //return [ 46, 'Bilbo' ]


hasDuplicate(...array) > Boolean

test if arrays contains duplicate item. Return true if duplicate found

const x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
const y = [ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
const z = [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]
hasDuplicate(x, z) //return false
hasDuplicate(x, y, z) //return true


map( fn, array) > Array

Currying map array alias

const x = item => item + 1
const y = [ 43, 45, 46 ]
map(x, y) //return [ 44, 46, 47 ]


pluck( property, array) > Array

return a value's array

const items = [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }
pluck('name', items) //return [ 'dragon', 'troll', 'gobelin' ]


removeItem( item, array ) > Array

remove an item from array

const items = [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }
removeItem({ name: 'troll', attack: 5 }, items)
/* return
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }


removeIndex( index, array) > Array

remove item by index

const items = [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }
removeIndex(1, items)
/* return
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }


setFirst( object, array ) > Array

Set item in first index

const x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
const items = [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }
setFirst(4, x) //return [ 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 ]
setFirst({ name: 'troll', attack: 5 }, items)
/* return
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }


setLast( object, array ) > Array

Set item in last index

const x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
const items = [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }
setLast(4, x) //return [ 1, 2, 3, 5 ,4]
setLast({ name: 'troll', attack: 5 }, items)
/* return
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 }


size(array) > Number

return array size

const x = []
const y = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
size(x) //return 0
size(y) //return 3


swap( item1, item2, array ) > Array

swap item in array

const x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
const items = [
  { name: 'dragon', attack: 10 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }
swap(2, 4, x) //return [ 1, 4, 3, 2, 5 ]
swap({ name: 'troll', attack: 5 }, { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 }, items)
/* return
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 },
  { name: 'gobelin', attack: 1 },
  { name: 'troll', attack: 5 }


chunk(array, size) > Array

transform a one dimension array into multiple array with size length

const items = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
chunk(items, 3)
/* return
    [ 1, 2, 3 ],
    [ 4, 5, 6 ]